At People to People International, we believe in breaking down cultural barriers by fostering cultural understanding. To this end, we offer a range of projects that are specifically designed to enhance the ability of our chapters to fulfill the mission of our organization in their respective communities. Our programs are carefully crafted to enable our members to become more effective ambassadors of goodwill, while also promoting cross-cultural exchange and cooperation. With a strong focus on building relationships and forging lasting connections, we are committed to creating a more harmonious and connected world, one community at a time.
Contact your local chapter to learn about what they are doing.
If you do not find what you are looking for here, please do contact us.
SDGs and PTPI Europe – the long view
Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, more than 190 world leaders committed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help us all end extreme poverty, fight inequality & injustice, and fix climate change. We each have a role to play if we’re going to achieve these goals of a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable world.
The 17 goals and the 169 targets contained within those goals are a fabulous roadmap to the future. These goals are being adopted by both the public and private sectors. They provide business and industry with a great platform to measure their sustainability, as well as their contribution to the planet and humanity.
For PTPI Europe, our ability to have a meaningful impact will happen when our chapters align their activities with SDGs. This means in reality that we have to take a long view during our thinking and planning. We plan to register in accordance with the UN SDG platform, the things we do, as a way of demonstrating our commitment to people, the plant and peace. This means that we must prove our commitment through concrete initiatives. The initiatives need to be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Resource-based, with Time-based deliverables.
If you would like advice to develop a project for your local community, please do contact us. You may be looking to volunteer either with PTPI, or another charity or NGO. We will do our best to guide you.
Project Ideas
Living Library, an example can be found here> books are people and reading takes the form of a conversation
Run coffee mornings to give your community a space where they can meet on an informal basis to discuss topical subjects
Run projects that highlight the problems of people with a physical disability
Highlight problems caused by a lack of awareness around mental health and loneliness with presentations and round table discussions
Lead environmental projects which clean up trash and waste in your community; possibly best in cooperation with your respective municipal services
Run or support local conservation projects like planting shrubs and trees
Clean-up and refurbish a local playground for children
Volunteer with your chapter at a local soup kitchen, orphanage or home for elderly citizens
Chapter Projects for fundraising
Design and make unique Christmas and New Year cards, possibly in cooperation with an orphanage or old age home, and sell them
Design and make unique Handbags in cooperation with an old age home, and sell them
Collect used books and give them to a local school library or sell them
Educational Chapter Projects
Educational activities on topics of interest and relevance to society like diversity and inclusion in our chapter and community. As a great example including respective fundraising see North Macedonia.