PTPI Youth Chapter (the Bees), Roman Romania
Following the series of activities proposed this summer, PTPI is organizing a new edition of the “Treasure Hunt” competition. It will take place on 21 August, at 16hrs – starting from the center of town. The teams made up of no more than three members will follow a route containing 10 checkpoints through the entire town to get to the final destination, and the first bees to get to the finish will be awarded with the many prizes we have prepared!🤪
❗️To participate, please fill in the form saved in the story highlights. Entry open until 20 August, at 00:00.
Also, there is a participation fee of 15 RON per team which must pe paid at the starting point.
Wanna be a bee? Be a PTPI! 🐝
#ptpiroman #treasurehunt