Look around: you’ll see some of the most successful organizations today viewing diversity as a key strategic factor to meeting marketplace demands – be it globalization of markets, changing consumer tastes or competition for the most innovative ideas. Now look again: many of these organizations are certainly hiring and promoting people of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities, yet are they truly valuing and engaging with diversity in a way that helps to solve key business issues?
Smythe Doward Lamber, Preview, issue7, Spring 01 – 2001 (page 23)
The 65 European chapters of PTPI are living and breathing diversity every day. Our passion for travel, understanding of what leads to peace, and the belief that we can contribute to the current global dialogue on diversity and inclusion, keeps a flame alive during the many debates and collaboration activities taking place in our communities, locally. Many of our chapters participate actively in EU funded programs exploring our individual roles, in understanding diversity in the 21st Century.
We shall share stories about diversity with our community, so that you can hear about what many organizations and groups are doing about diversity. We also encourage you to join in the sharing process by sending us your stories and examples of diversity in action.