Young people are the future policy makers, leaders, workers and keepers of our planet. The more we include them in everything that we do today, the better the chances of having a world better than the one we have right now. Or, at least no worse. Despite the many opportunities out there, such as Erasmus, there are some youth that are not able to benefit, possibly due to personal circumstances.
Each time the PTPI network comes together, we ask our community about their thoughts, ideas and dreams. There is always a danger that once you have the feedback, you may not be able to meet the voiced demands. Much of the feedback received from the September, Romanian conference, points to a desire for PTPI to do more to support our young people. This is not the first, or last time we have/will receive this feedback. It is our wish to do far more than we have to date, to support our youth.
PTPI is not a foundation with endless funds to devote to supporting youth. Oh, that we would be so lucky to be in a position to meet all the demands made. The regional conferences have to cover the full costs of hosting such events. And this makes keeping the price as low as our members would prefer, just a little challenging. We do search for additional donations from our membership and partners, so that we may offer some assistance to our younger members. By far, the best way to gain international travel experience, at a low cost, is through the much loved HomeStay program. We are committed to doing more for our youth. Should you feel moved to comment further about this matter, please do email me.
President EEC and Regional Chair; Europe