PTPI as we experience it, is a loose network of people, connected through a chapter framework and a global program of recommended action areas to cover. Local relevance is an important factor, especially as available resources, both human and financial, play a major role determining success of any activity.
For some chapters, a high level of flexibility is welcome, and others would prefer a more structured approach to implementing the activities that support all PTPI programs. We need to find a way to support each other. The more experienced chapters have much to teach us all. And, less experienced chapters need to be better at asking for and defining their needs for assistance.
We are only as good as our last, or most recent activities. Which is why we must share much more about the great things we do. We have been told many times that PTPI is a best kept secret.
Please do send in your ideas about how we might do more, share more, include more and truly make a difference to cultural understanding.
We do belong to something good. Time now to prove it.