This year, PTPI is proud to announce that 11 Chapters will be awarded a Chapter Grant! The main goal of these Chapter Grants is to aid in funding community projects that chapter members plan and carryout that focus on highlighting and expanding the mission of PTPI. Below are this year’s awardees combined with a short description of their community project:
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Niislel) Chapter
Funding for the PTPI Training Center in this region that offers programs for those in poverty, such as computer, foreign language, and hair and beauty programs. This will help the continued development of single mothers and young, untrained and unemployed people.
Bogota, Colombia Chapter
Provide homeless, disabled, illiterate, orphans, and the physically ill with donations of medicine, food, clothing, and hygiene supplies through joint ventures with community, organizations, and institutions. Directly benefits 250 people.
Sheboygan, Wisconsin Community Chapter
This chapter has had an exchange program within the local high school since 1970 with German and Argentinian students. This grant will help cover the U.S. DOS fees that the chapter pays for the Exchange Visitor Program.
Los Angeles Chapter
Sews pillowcases for local foster children and children in need. This is an ongoing project and the chapter consistently produces 250 pillowcases per month!
Greater Kansas City Chapter
Each year the GKCPTPI Chapter hosts the dozens of families of the International Officers attending the International Officer Exchange Program at the US Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Yerevan, Armenia University Chapter
Two-month project to unite the Syrian refugee and migrant communities with the indigenous community. Armenia has welcomed the third largest number of Syrian refugees, and the community is adjusting to their presence. This project will bring together the youth of various communities as they share their heritage and culture through art and photography.
Sadat City Peacekeepers, Monofeia, Egypt
Day-long project that will include community service, speakers, and then “international day” to represent other cultures and interconnectivity.
Monrovia, Liberia Chapter
6-month program for students elementary to high school to teach computer literacy. The community will be able to provide a space for the classes, as well as utilities and internet.
Lome, Togo Chapter
This expected 3-year project will enable children both in and out of school with a clear and practical knowledge of computer literacy to later help them in the job market.
Nyarugusu Camp Chapter; Tanzania
HIV/AIDS, along with Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, is a huge issue among the 150,000+ members of this refugee camp. This project will implement leadership workshops and youth clubs that will teach children about STDs, counseling, privacy, sex education and self-defense and will hopefully decrease the child drop-out rate and raise academic performance by reducing the level of infection in the refugee camp.